
Intro to Portals

Updated: September 14, 2021

Portals allow you to package your apps and data into web apps (known as "portals") for others to use.

The users of your portal do not need an Afterpattern account; they will have accounts in your portal which requires nothing more than an email (you can add additional sign up requirements, including flat-fee or recurring subscription payments). Learn more about managing your users.

You can build a portal in any Afterpattern project. Your portal can only use the apps and data from the project's it belongs to.

Portal layout

A portal is made up of pages: 

Pages display apps and data from your project.

Data is displayed through a database connection. You have total control over how data is displayed, including the visual layout, the permissions the portal user has, and what data they get to see.

Apps are displayed either as "standalone" or as attached to a database connection. Attaching an app to a database connection is the easiest way to give portal users the ability to use data in an app:

Learn more about the two methods for adding apps to your portal.


Here are some quick tips for troubleshooting your portal if things go awry.

Are your apps activated?

If your app is in test mode, it will not appear inside the portal.

Try recompiling your app

If, when attempting to run an app inside your portal, you get an error message that says "The page you were looking for doesn't exist", try recompiling your app. This is a quick and easy fix many issues.

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